Saturday 13 November 2010

Purity for Launch

Hey All,

I sent this out to the English Theosophian community today and I wanted to share it. As I wrote it I got the idea I should make a new blog for these spiritual kind of things.

Hey All,

A couple days ago we (guests and volunteers) were listening to a dictation by Serapis Bey through Walter given many years ago. I was trying to write as fast as Hugo was translating and I feel inspired to transcribe some of the transcript and notes and also inspired to send them out:

Union with God through chastity and celibacy. So many spiritual students masturbate; so doing they release the light of Mother to entities and demons. You need the energy to ascend, it is the fuel. The kundalini is that fuel. What happens when you take a rocket that is to go to the moon, with a lot of equipment? Will it get there if you use the fuel in the rocket for other purposes? Will all the devices in the rocket be of any use? No, not when you are squandering the fuel.

When you are invited our lamps must be fueled for the alchemical marriage with Christ. It is so important to keep the light. I as SHIVA give the opportunity to who want: Take the vows of Celibacy and Chastity.

My beloved when you are lost lust grows strong in your mind. Desire to experience with God thru orgasm is strong. You can get that without orgasm. Ask Me! When you stopped listening to God you experienced pain and you start to avoid the pain through orgasm. The demon Rimas (im not sure if that was the exact name) took the base chakra hostage. When you masturbate it becomes harder to resist the next time, and the next and the next until the point that it becomes too hard. (then) It is time to stop this desire. Refrain from sexual activity. The more you dig in a bottomless pit the deeper it becomes.

When you do wise things you wake up the power in you. Call to Hanuman to help you, he is the perfect Chela. Ask for example "Hanuman put your presence over me. I AM the perfect Chela"

(In Marriage things are different, celibacy must be mutually consented to without force or coercion.)

Also this days elluminate session I gathered two pictures and put a little message with it. I attach it again here.

Blessings, Sander Salamander

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